Tuesday 22 October 2013


  • Each must follow his own religion.
  • Each must verify for himself.
  • Each one must have his own way.
  • Each one of us will have to discover.
  • Electrify people.
  • Enter not the door of any organised religion.
  • Enter ye into the realms of light, the gates have been opened wide once more.
  • Enveloped in Tamas however much you may be, know all that will clear away if you take refuge in Him by being sincere to the core of your heart.
  • Even if the order be wrong, first obey and then contradict it.
  • Even if you are at your last breath, be not afraid.
  • Even these earthworms must stand erect, even children must see light.
  • Ever tell yourself,"I am He.These words that will burn up the dross that is in the mind, words that will bring out the tremendous energy which is within you already, the infinite power which is sleeping in your heart.
  • Every idea that strengthens you must be taken up and every thought that weakness you must be rejected.
  • Every man must develop according to his own nature.
  • Every work should be made thorough.
  • Everyone should learn to obey before he can command. 
  • Expect nothing in return.

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